Modern Classic Motorcycle News Magazine - Bike Of The Year

Modern Classic Motorcycle News

Bike of the Year – 2024

Will last years winner ‘The Bobber’ Triumph again

We are now seeking nominations for Modern Classic Motorcycle News favourites of 2024.

The nomination period will be open from 1st August and run until 1st October 2024 and then voting will open.

This year we have expanded to include 6 categories

  1. Nominations for Modern Classic/Retro 2024
  2. Nominations for Nominations for Naked Bike of 2024
  3. Nominations for Motorcycle Manufacturer of the Year 2024
  4. Nominations for Electric Bike Manufacturer of the Year 2024
  5. Nominations for Dealer of the Year 2024
  6. Nominations for Clothing/Apparel Brand of the Year 2024

Like last year voting for categories 1 & 2 will close on 1st December the top 3 winners of the Modern Classic/Retro and Best Naked/Roadster will then go into the pot to vote for the bike of the year. The winner along with categories 3 to 6 will be announced in the 1st issue 2025.

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