Our info here is as accurate to date as we can, you should always check with the venue or organisers for the most update date info. We therefore accept responsibility for inaccurate or out of date info.

If you have an event you would like published on the website and the magazine here fill the form at the bottom of the page or head here

Please note: It’s only open to UK and Ireland events at present.

Its free to submit and be featured on the website and the events magazine page:

That said if you want to place a quarter page advert in next available issue of the magazine promoting your event please our advertising rates are here

For racing events checkout the main site site Superbike News events page 

This Month


Year Calendar

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To include your event in our new events section you can submit your event below and there is no cost.

Please note: It’s only open to UK and Ireland events at present.

Your event will appear on the website and in magazine.

Its free to submit and be featured on the website and the events magazine page:

That said if you want to place a quarter page advert in next available issue of the magazine promoting your event please our advertising rates are here

[add_evo_submission_form rdir=”no” msub=”yes”]